Monday, October 18, 2010

My Challenges In Public Speaking

Hello.......todayI here to share with you all about my challenges in Public Speaking. I very sure that all people in this world have their challenges in do something. In everything we do have many challenges. This situation same with us as a student. When we are given an assignment many challenges that we should through such as we are not confident, materials are not enough and do assignment at the last minute also a challenges for a students. Challenges is a normal matter in our life. Prime Minister also has the challenge o lead other people.

Now I want to share about my challenge in Public Speaking. My challenges in public speaking is Idon have a confident, not trust with my self and sometime I feel not comfortable when I present at a front. In all assignment that had given by my lecturer many problems I should through. I very lucky because if I have a problem my friend always help me and they also give a strong support. As a students presentation is a bad thing that us should do. When we have a presentation our marks are taken from our personality, our language and also our topic that we want to present. Our personality also very important because we should wear suitable clothes and marks are taken from head to toe. This also I think is a challenges in Public Speaking because we should know what type of clothes that suitable to wear during the presentation. We also should understand what topic we are going to present  because when others ask us and we can answer it easily if we understand that topic we are present.

As a conclusion, although many challenges we should through it can make us want to do more perfect at teh next time.
Through the challenges also can reduce our scared at a front and want do better at the next presentation.